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May. Brand start
Jan. 玉島バルBRUNOmarché popupshop
Jul. nenejoule sales start
Handmade in Japan Fes 2016出展 07/23
Aug. 真夏のDesign festa2016出展 08/27
Sep. 路地裏3坪雑貨店 sales start
Mar. nenejoule workshop 03/05
May. Design festa2017出展 05/27
Jun. nenejoule workshop 06/18.19
Jul. COTOMONOmarché新宿東急ハンズ店 limitedshop 07/
Aug. COTOMONOmarché新宿東急ハンズ店 workshop 08/19.20
Thingsly by Lola sales start
Sep. COTOMONOmarché神宮前本店 limitedshop 09/16~30
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